
Ability Score Stats

Ability Modifier
Score Modifier
1 -5
2,3 -4
4,5 -3
6,7 -2
8,9 -1
10,11 0
12,13 +1
14,15 +2
16,17 +3
18,19 +4
20,21 +5
22,23 +6
24,25 +7
26,27 +8
28,29 +9
30 +10
Modifier Discriptions Summary
Ability Score Measures Important For Racial Increases
Strength Natural Athleticism, Bodily Power Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin Mountain Dwarf (+2), Half Orc (+2), Dragonborn (+2), Human (+1)
Dexterity Physical Ability, Reflexes, Balance, Poise Monk, Ranger, Rogue Elf (+2), Halfling (+2), Forest Gnome (+1), Human (+1)
Constitution Health, Stamina, Vital Force Everyone Dwarf (+2), Half Orc (+1), Stout Halfling (+1), Human (+1), Rock Gnome (+1)
Intelligence Mental Acuity, Information Recall, Analytical Skill Wizard High Elf (+1), Tiefling (+1), Gnome (+2), Human (+1)
Wisdom Awareness, Intuition, insight Cleric, Druid Hill Dwarf (+1), Wood Elf (+1), Human (+1)
Charisma Confidence, Eloquence, Leadership Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock Half Elf (+2), Tiefling (+2), Dragonborn (+1), Drow (+1), Human (+1), Lightfoot Halfling (+1)


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